Feeding the Urban Poor
Muhammad Muhsin bin Aminudin, Dapur J'07
12-May-16 15:30
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Muhsin Aminudin was just chatting with a few old schoolmates at a mamak when they started talking about the issue of homelessness in KL. Realising all they ever did was talk into the wee hours of the morning without actually doing anything to address the problem, they got together to form an NGO called Dapur J'07 for Freefolks in August last year. Dapur J'07 provides food and counselling to the urban poor and homeless community in KL. Muhsin joined us to tell us more about the initiative.
The first part of the show discussed a foundation of combined Parent-Teacher Associations who are working towards a better Malaysian education system. Listen to the podcast Lifting Our Education Standard.
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Tags: live and learn, urban poor, poverty, homeless people, underprivileged, volunteerism, social welfare