Choose Kindness Over Anger When It Comes to Disagreements
Dr Joel Low, Clinical Psychologist
20-Jan-21 14:00
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A couple of weeks ago, ardent supporters of Donald Trump stormed the Capitol building in the US with weapons. This was just the latest incident of many which highlight just how polarised the United States has become. But growing levels of polarisation isn't just something that's specific to the US, it's happening here in Malaysia too, as people on either side of the political aisle are unable to empathise with the other side or see where they're coming from. We discuss the importance of being kind even when we disagree.
Image Source: Shutterstock
Produced by: Dashran Yohan
Presented by: Juliet Jacobs, Dashran Yohan, Hezril Asyraaf
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Tags: The Bigger Picture, The Daily Digest, Political Polarisation, Malaysian Politics, Disagreement, Kindness, Understanding, Compassion, Mental Health