Extraterrestrial Sugars
Dr Kuhan Chandru, Astrobiologist
26-Nov-19 14:00
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NASA announced earlier this week that sugar molecules have been found in a couple of meteorites that are being studied. Why does this get our geeky little hearts fluttering? Because it could be a part of the answer to that eternal question, where did life originate?
Produced by: Sumitra Selvaraj
Presented by: Sumitra Selvaraj, Tee Shiao Eek, Lim Sue Ann
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Categories: Education, Environment, Science, Politics, Law and Legal Matters, Social Issues
Tags: The Bigger Picture, The Daily Digest, meteorites, sugars, sugar molecules, bio-essential sugars, life, origin of life, astrobiology, extraterrestrial, RNA, DNA, alien life, Tohoku University, Hokkaido University, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA,