Ala Carte - Thirty Seconds
Richard Phua | Aaron Phua
14-Mar-17 10:00
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What if you made the Malaysian staple, Nasi Lemak into a cake? Thirty Seconds is a humble cafe located in a residential corner of Bandar Sri Damansara who did exactly that. Run by a family of four, Richard Phua (Uncle Richard) founded the cafe in 2014 with his wife and his two sons. Selling a fusion of savoury meals and unique coffee choices, they are also the minds behind the ‘Nasi Lemak Cake’. We speak to father and son, Richard and Aaron Phua on what it takes to build a business as a family.
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Tags: Ala Carte, Food and Beverage, F&B, Thirty Seconds, Cafe, Coffee, Nasi Lemak Cake, Barista