From Groupon To Fave: Why AWS Was Crucial
Arzumy MD, Chief Technology Officer of Fave
14-Sep-17 11:00
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The acquisition of Groupon by Fave was not only just a business challenge, but crucial on the development side. As both companies are startup in a digital world, shifting and migrating its assets could be a task that would cause sleepless nights to many CTO. Just think about it, thousands of database and resources that were once operating as two separate identities, Fave & Groupon, are now under one roof. We speak to Arzumy MD, the CTO of Fave to find out how they went through the migration process and why AWS was at the core of every process.
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Tags: enterprise, tech talk, Groupon, Fave, Amazon Web Services, Cloud Computing, digital businness, CTOS, local discovery app, business migration, databases and resources