Getting Smarter About Metrics & Analytics
Fai-Keung Ng, AT Internet
03-May-16 12:00
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Mobile is transforming our behavior by creating the need to accomplish things instantly, on-the-spot, as soon as they pop into our heads… while commuting to work, while waiting or taking a break, while with friends, or while out on a date. This phenomenon has caused many couples to break up but jokes aside, it has forced us to examine the context and the events that trigger the desire to accomplish a given task. This view of mobile as a catalyst for new behavior colors how measurement of mobile performance should be approached. We speak to Fai-Keung Ng, Group Country Manager Southeast Asia at AT Internet about how the mobile revolution is forcing an evolution in how to measure performance from a digital analytics perspective.
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Tags: mobile app, mobile web, smartphones, mobile strategy, ecommerce, mcommerce