The No Visitor Policy Weighs Heavily On Thailand
Marcus Wong, Emerging Market Macro Strategist, Bloomberg Editorial
13-Oct-20 07:37
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With an economy heavily dependent on tourism contributing as much as 15% to GDP, what are the implications to the economy when visitor arrivals are only estimated at 9 million compared to 40 million in 2019. Marcus Wong, Emerging Market Macro Strategist at Bloomberg Editorial tells us how negatively impacted the Thai economy will be but what fiscal and monetary measures the government can take to ease some of the economic scar tissue caused by the Covid 19 pandemic.
Produced by: Wong Shou Ning
Presented by: Wong Shou Ning, Lyn Mak
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Categories: Politics, Law and Legal Matters, Business Analysis, Trends and Forecasts, Markets, Social Issues, Travel, Investments
Tags: Thailand, economy, Covid - 19, tourism, baht, bonds,