Hear And Now... in Malaysia Season 7, Ep 6: Chow Kit Re-imagined
Shefah Szetu | Kam Raslan
23-Jul-14 18:06
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It’s hard to overstate the importance of cities to the success of nations in the future. Innovation happens in cities,it’s where people meet and exchange ideas, where people work and businesses flourish, cities are where life happens. How the city is designed can either aid or obstruct these economic and social processes and the decisions being made today about how our cities work will have far reaching consequences. In this episode we take on the inner-city neighbourhood of Chow Kit, an area often known for all the wrong things, but with a vibrant and historically rooted mixture of communities. We imagine that we are City Hall and invite authorities in urban planning, architects, NGOs and residents to propose solutions that can make Chow Kit an attractive, vibrant and successful neighbourhood for the future.
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Tags: hear and now in malaysia, etp, chow kit, pemandu