Do Journalists Hunt in Packs?
Vanitha Nadaraj
21-Aug-16 10:00
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Sometimes, reading the newspaper can evoke a strong sense of Déjà vu. Different news outlets carry the same story, using the same angle. It's almost as if the journalists huddled together and decided on the pieces of information to go with, in order to make the story uniform. And that is pack journalism: when news reporting becomes homogenous, and there is a distinct lack of original thought or initiative. In this episode of ICYMI, we explore how pack journalism influences reporting.
Here are the segments of the episode:
1:38 - Asia Calling 1 - Afghanistan builds its first mega power dam
7:23 - Asia Calling 2 - Bags of onions fill the streets of India
14:20 - Do Journalists Hunt in Packs?
This episode was produced by Sharyl Kaur and Muhammad Haniff Baharudin
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Tags: pack journalism, groupthink, homogeneous, monotonous